Thursday, February 7, 2008

A&W Float and Sunkist Float Sodas

The Cadbury/Schweppes company's Dr. Pepper/7-Up division has decided to destroy a cherished piece of your childhood. Here's the site:

A&W Float

B-Com Says:

How does it look? Have you ever gone barhopping, gotten really sick, and the Devil comes out of you? You're close. It was so intimidating, I couldn't look it straight in the eye. Repulsive.

How does it taste? Well, if there's any way to complement this drink, it's this: it tastes exactly as I would expect after looking at it. It took the entire sharp, bright taste I remember from floats as a kid and ruined it. Flat, with a horrible after-taste.

J-Lam Says:

This stuff looks like rotten dishwater. It's packaged in a nice colorful bottle, and it's a damn good thing, because if it came in a clear bottle, you'd think something crawled inside and died before they got the cap on.

It's super sweet and thick, but not in the "rich and creamy" way. More in the "God save the queen" way. Although it tries hard to get close to hinting at the flavor of a root beer float, I can't get past the gunkiness of it. And I can't get it out of my throat!

Sunkist Float

B-Com Says:

How does it look? Whoa, whoa whoa! What an improvement over it's ugly kid sister! Picture a melted creamsicle in a cup. That's how it looks.

Now, how does it taste? I was really excited to try this because a few co-workers had tried it and loved it. I don't know if it was all their hype, or the clinging aftertaste of the worst thing I've ever choked down (see above), but though it tastes "right", it's flat and not intense in any way. I miss the bubbles.

J-Lam Says:

Sunkist Float has the same snazzy packaging, but delivers the goods inside as well with a liquid I can handle putting in my mouth.

Once again, though, it's sickeningly sweet with a gooey slickness that stays with you long after you've tried to forget it. Plus, I caught an unexpected funky "diet" flavor in there. I checked the label, and there are no artificial sweeteners, but I'd already made my decision anyway. Not impressed.

With little discussion beyond searching for a palate-cleansing chaser, we both agree to grace the Floats with our first full-scale TURD!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're a faggot with no taste
i'll give you that the rootbeer one wasnt all that great but the dreamsicle was pretty damn good