Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mana Energy Potion

[:Mana Energy Potion:]

J-Lam Says:
This "Energy For Gamers" shot is in a really cool package. I'm not a WOW player, but it sure looks like it came from a medevil apothecary (that's ye old CVS for those of you who need to read more.)

The color is a deep seaweed green, not quite the emerald their website seems to display, and it was a bit intimidating. But when I tipped back the 1.35 ounce shot, I was pleasently surprised! The flavor was intense, as I'd expect because it's not diluted by 8 ounces of carbonated water, but it wasn't unpleasent. I kept expecting to get the shivers from that one and only swallow, but they never came.

As for effect, I had a tough time distinguishing one. To give it the benefit of the doubt, I downed the shot at about 12:30 pm, 30 minutes before I normally crash into my early afternoon energy slump. I didn't crash, so that was probably the boost from the Mana. But, I also didn't feel the normal zing I get from a Red Bull or a Rock Star, so it's tough to tell.

Further experimentation may be needed. Either way, I'm comfortable giving Mana Energy Potions a TERRIFIC!

B-Com Says:
This sour, citrusy drink tastes okay. That's actually saying a lot because I don't much care for the flavor of energy drinks, and I don't like sour either. So, the thought of a sour energy drink is not pleasing to me.

In checking over the ingredients I noticed they used artificial sweetner. I didn't notice when I swallowed it. How did they do that? Normally, I can pick out an artificial sweetner as soon as it touches my tounge. Another mark in their favor.

The website boasts that this shot contains twice the caffein of Red Bull, but on the package, caffeine is just listed as one component of their "Energy Potion" so there's no way to confirm that. Based on effect, I have some doubts.

I purchased six of them and when they arrived it appeared one had leaked in the package. And the "Use by..." dates had been wiped from two of the bottles, but the rest were dated October of 2008.

All in all, for a first product from a small start-up company looking to take on the big boys in a crowded and competative market, I'm impressed. I call Mana Energy Potions TERRIFIC!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It definitely comes in a cool package. They should make some more flavors to it though, because if you don't like the flavor you probably won't buy it.

Have you ever tried 6 Hour Power? You might have seen the commercial on G4 before. They're also energy shots, but they come in 5 different fruit flavors. They are great for marathon gaming sessions since they provide long-lasting energy without the crash. They also enhance concentration and improve performance. Check them out here:

If you have any questions about the drink, feel free to send me an e-mail. Let me also know if you're interested in hearing about the 6HP contest going on where you can win a PS3 or Xbox 360. I hope you don't mind commenting on your blog, by the way. I'd love to hear what you think of the drink!

Franklin Keane
Brand Ambassador