Friday, March 14, 2008

Vanilla Mud

Mud is touted as "Coffee for the rest of us!", and is available in three flavors plus an extra-strong Dyno-Mud variety. Check them all out here:

B-Com Says:

This is coffee in a can. Straight up. Coffee, vanilla, milk. Tasty.


J-Lam Says:

He's a man of few words. (But not often enough!)

Here is yet another coffee drink. Looking back at the Terrific Or Turd postings, we're obviously drawn to these things for bad or for good.

Mud looks like the others: a solid texture and color, which is appetizing. (See our A&W Root Beer Float post for a bad example of this important point.) But, it tastes much better. It's not as sweet as, say, a Starbucks Frappuccino. This puts it a notch above Starbucks in my mind.

It's also not the same funky-fake vanilla flavor I've come to expect from vanilla coffee drinks, which is a pleasent surprise. There is a fairly high sugar content for a drink that's not too sweet, but not enough to turn me off to it.

Overall, I'm inpressed. Very good. I'll buy it again.


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