Unfortunately, it's not so good.
B-Com Says:
I was originally attracted to the packaging because Java Pop is going for the "organic" and "Free-trade certified" thing, which is fine. It's unique in the soft drink market, and it made want to try it out.
The color was very remeniscent of cream soda, which I love, so that whet my appetite even more. That first swallow was impressive, too, as it seemed the flavors meshed well together, and I liked it.
But, as I continued, the flavor became more intense, to the point of overbearing. It was as if something in the drink had settled in shipping, although nothing was visible. It made me want to shake it up, but that's not good because I can't shake it can I? It's carbonated.
So, since I don't feel comfortable giving out a terrific for half a product, I've got to call Java Pop a...
J-Lam Says:
My initial reaction was similar to B-Com's: It looked great, and when I popped it open, the smell was wonderful. But that first tasted seemed flat, and the flavor was weak (although I could definitely recognize the hazelnut coffee.)
I'm not going to hit it hard because it wasn't completely horrible, but it's not a mix of flavors I can enjoy. If it were a bit stronger without being too much, I would drink it again.
Overall, I was disappointed. It smells better than it tastes, and in a soft drink, that's not what matters. It may as well smell like a...
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