Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crystal Light On-the-Go (Fruit Punch flavor)

J-LAM Says:
When I was a kid, cherry Kool-Aid was a staple in my Mom's fridge. But she cared about my health. (At least as much as any parent who thinks artificially colored and flavored sugar water is adequate nutrition for a 10-year-old hyperactive kid.) So, she always mixed it with 2/3 the sugar the package recommended. That made her feel better, and I never even knew she was totally deceiving me. Of course, the first time I stumbled across FULL STRENGTH Kool-Aid, I was over a friend's house. After two swallows, I knew this had to be some incredible new invention I had yet to experience.  It couldn't possibly be the same substance I had downed by the gallon for years.  THIS STUFF WAS INTENSE!
But, I digress.
That's what this stuff tastes like to me. Kool-Aid without enough sugar. There's a weird... ack! feeling in the back of my throat as I swallow, but there is an impressive lack of the blechy, synthetic flavor I expect when drinking a diet beverage. Overall, because I've learned to forgive and forget and am mostly over my scarring childhood, I give Crystal Light On-the-Go a...


B-COM Says:
Standing in Target, looking at the selection of what I call "adult Kool-Aid", Crystal Light, I suddenly heard a voice over my shoulder. A tall, heavy-set man in a dark hoodie with nothing underneath (except a mat of grizzled chest hair,) had just appeared next to me like a ninja. There was no sound. There was no movement, he was just... THERE.
You know what I mean?
Anyway, he says, "Hey, there's more of that by the soda aisle. I drink it all the time for my sugar level."
Now, looking back on it, that statement seems logical enough. Maybe even normal.
But all I heard was, "Drink Crystal Light and you'll be a ninja!"
So, I bought it.
I decided on Fruit Punch as it had 5 calories and 0 carbs, as opposed to the Raspberry Peach, which had 10 calories and carbs to boot. As I dumped a packet into my bottle of clear water, it quickly turned a deep, dark Hawaiian Punch red.
How oddly calming.
It has a nice fruit flavor, and I don't notice the artificial flavoring or sweetener too much.
However, I am disappointed in one thing. After one pack... no ninja powers.
Fortunately there's 8 packs to go...


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