Friday, March 14, 2008

Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers

Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers add a brand new twist on an age-old candy favorite! Unfortunately, as it turns out, Hershey's doesn't think enough of their product to mention it anywhere on their official Whoppers website!

B-Com Says:

The last time I ate a Whopper, I was 9 years old. Let me take you back there for a moment:

When I was growing up, my Mom didn't have money for anything more than the staples: milk, bread, etc. So we almost never had candy, or treats of any kind. One day my aunt brought home a One Pound Super Sack of Whoppers.

Realizing we wouldn't be seeing another gift from the gods like this one for many moons, and also realizing that "we" was actually "me" because my sister wasn't home when my aunt dropped by, one overriding thought took over: "This sack must go down, and it must go down hard."

Now imagine the nine-year old kid who has just finished obliterating a pound of Whoppers.

There is a line, a boundary if you will, between sane and insane consumption of simple carbohydrates. I triple-jumped that sucker.

So, fast-forwarding over twenty years, you can understand why I've avoided busting open a package of Whoppers since what I call D-Day.

That story notwithstanding, I found Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers to be very pleasent tasting, fruity and delicious. My pancreas started to twitch and moan after I'd had only ten, but that's probably a good thing.


J-Lam Says:

I've always liked Whoppers, but for some reason they've always made me sick too. Reading my colleague's story above, I realize it's not just me. Now, I need to ask: if people the world over have been making themselves sick by eating large quantities of Whoppers since 1929 (did you read the site I linked to above, hmm?) when they were invented, why in the name of all that's holy do they package the things in such huge boxes? Why not a little six or seven-Whopper "fun size"?

Do they like making us ill?

Anyhow, I've ripped them enough because the fact is, I enjoyed Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers very much. I only ate a few because I was nervous about the effect described above, but what I had went down nice and smooth, with a pleasent Strawberry-Quik-style artificial strawberry flavor. Just like you'd expect from a strawberry milkshake.

Nutritionally, they're not bad as candy goes. But I did notice that all 8 grams of fat are saturated. Ouch.

Still, as I've said many times already on this blog, if I'm grabbing the eye-catching pink box and delving into a package labeled "Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers", I'm not in it for the health benefits.

Overall, Strawberry Milkshake Whoppers earns my



Unknown said...

You two have some weak stomachs. The regular Whoppers have never made me sick. I am hoping they'll get these new Whoppers into our vending machine at work so I can try them.

Andrew Badera said...

Agree with Daniel. I've munched LARGE quantities of Whoppers, with no ill effects. Milk Duds too. Heck, I've consumed volumes of both at the same time -- crunchy + caramel == 100% AWESOME -- and never had a bad experience. Aside from turning into a fat bastard of course.