Thursday, January 31, 2008

Rockstar Roasted Energy Drink

Rockstar's coffee-infused addition to the energy drink parade is touted online here:

We picked up Rockstar Roasted for $2.39 in a drug store cooler, bottom shelf. The can lacked the pizzazz of most of the other Rockstar labels, but holds true to the basic design, and the gold lettering on our Mocha-flavored can was pretty sharp. This drink combines the standard Rockstar "energy blend" with espresso and cream for a Starbuck's drink with Rockstar attitude!

B-Com says:
I ran up the stairs!

I actually drank a serving of Rockstar Roasted, grimaced a little at the initial taste (it wasn't what I was expecting,) then got used to it quickly, and walked away thinking, "not bad, but it doesn't make me feel like running up the stairs. . . "

Then, I ran up the stairs!

Of course, when I got to the top, I almost died. Rockstar doesn't make you fit, but I FELT like I could keep running, and THAT's what we drink this stuff for! Terrific!

J-Lam says:
I liked Rockstar Roasted a lot. Among the huge supply of energy drinks on the market right now, Rockstar was already my speed of choice because I think it has the best effect without jitters, and (bonus!) tastes the best too.

But Roasted is another step in the right direction: it tastes much better than original Rockstar, with no loss in effect! The flavor and texture were very much like a Frappuccino, but with a better zing. I concur with my partner: Terrific.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Pizzaria's Cheese Pizza Chips

Pizzaria's Cheese Pizza Chips are distributed by Poore Brothers and Inventure Group. Check them out at We're both pretty impressed with the company itself. Not your average snack food mega-corporation, and they're willing to try different things, make some valuable name-recognition deals with companies you don't normally associate with vending-machine fare, and they're putting some pizzazz in the pizza chip!

B-Com says:

First off, how cool is it that the bag I hold in my hand is ONE serving of chips! The nutrition info is what you'd expect from a serving of full-bore chips, but it's not 1/5 of the bag, or something equally stupid.

The packaging first struck me as odd, even a touch boring, with it's simple brick wall background and fat lettering. But, now that I've stuck one of these stellar chips in my mouth, I'm looking again at the bag, being reminded of an old-fashioned brick pizza oven.

Pizza Combos, Pizza Pringles, Pizza-ANYTHING have nothing on these chips! After I hoovered down the whole bag, even the aftertaste is good! If you like pizza, these chips ROCK!

J-Lam says:

Inventure Group? Why haven't we heard of these guys before? They're definitely not your average chip company.

I, too, was initially bored by the bag. After eating the chips, I'm still bored by the bag.

Pizzaria Cheese Pizza Chips do not taste like cheese pizza. More like a seasoned Cheez-It. But it's good.

Half the calories are from fat. OUCH. The chips aren't quite good enough for me to justify that fat content to my wife, but I'd probably eat them again on the sly.

I wish there was some middle ground I could vote for, like a Golden Turd, or Terrifically Mediocre, but that's not an option.

Terrific or Turd?

Since B-Com bought the bag of chips, and punched J-Lam in the mouth after reading his paragraph, we're giving Pizzaria's Cheese Pizza Chips a bloody Terrific!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Pringles "Extreme" Gets a Hesitant Terrific!

You can check out Pringles' online touting of their newest product line here:

B-Com Says:

First, take a look at the packaging. It's eye-catching, which is always good, especially in an over-crowded chip aisle. But, honestly I think the whole "extreme" thing has more than run its course. There is no extreme any more. It's been over done, so the line's name leaves something to be desired. Maybe they should have stuck with "popping" or some powerful variation of their "everything pops with pringles" theme. . .

Now, of the three flavors available, I gravitated toward the Blazin' Buffalo Chicken because I happen to like Buffalo wings. But I was leery of the words "blazin'" and "extreme" because I generally order my wings medium-mild, and don't want them too hot. As it turned out, I had little to worry about in the heat area, but if I weren't purchasing it for this blog, I'd probably avoid them out of respect for my delicate taste buds. I hope they're not losing too many customers that way.

J-Lam Says:

I came into this hoping for more. Don't get me wrong, the Blazin' Buffalo Chicken flavor Extreme Pringles tasted great. But they were just the latest in a long line of great-tasting Pringles. They were nothing special when compared to Pringles' other great flavors, and they certainly were not "extreme" in any sense of the word. Now, I love hot food. Depending on my mood, I love wings that'll bring tears to my eyes. I gravitated immediately to the Blazin' Buffalo assuming that's what I was going to get. Instead, I got a buffalo sauce-flavored chip with a tiny kick to it.

Terrific or Turd?

Looks like we both agree this time. Pringles' new Extreme line of potato crisps are as terrific as any other Pringles, but they're nothing special beyond that.