Thursday, November 11, 2010

Emerald Cocoa Roast Dark Chocolate Almonds

As a quick aside, has anyone noticed the fact that this is the one-year anniversary of the last Terrific or Turd post?



Never mind.

This time we're trying out a super-healthy snack that really isn't all that healthy when you think about it. Not that that matters a tremendous amount, as you can tell looking back at what we've rated in the past.

So here we go...

JLam Says:

I had to do a quick doubletake because I thought BCom was going to have me testing grated parmesan cheese for out huge anniversary episode. But, I tuned it around and realized we were dealing with a crunchy antioxidant bomb trying hard to be a yummy snack.

Almonds are my second-favorite nuts.

I'll leave that thought hanging for few seconds. (Hanging for a few seconds? That's what she said! - Bcom)

And dark chocolate works well in just about every application. However, in this case, once again, the infusion of Sucralose has sabotaged an otherwise promising combination.

All-in-all I expected to like these things, and I just didn't. I wish I did, because they're probably better for me than most quick, crunchy poppable snacks. But unfortunately, I now need some sort of high-fructose corn syrup to wash my mouth out with.


Bcom Says:

I never thought I would be trying a dark chocolate almond, or dark chocolate anything for that matter, and going into it thinking I was going to like it.

When my part-time-working, grocery-mart-bagging, beta-is-better-than-VHS, Crystal-Pepsi-is-my-favorite-soda-ever, margarine-covered-pan-fried-cube-steak-as-tough-as-shoe-leather-is-my-favorite-food roommate told me and the rest of his circle of friends that Special Dark was his favorite candy bar... Oooohhhh did the mocking begin. He got beat down like a NARC at a biker rally. (Shout out to Dennis Miller!)

But now, the rise of dark chocolate, and the deep, dark connection it's made with the female gender cannot be stopped.

"Excuse me? Is that a bag of dark chocolate Hershey Kisses?" She closes her eyes, licks her lips and says, "mmmm..." leaving the rest to my overactive imagination...

"Oh... is that a King Size Special Dark bar?---" Oh my god, she has her eyes closed and a smile on her face for so long, I think she's in suspended animation.

All I'm trying to say is that women and weirdo roommates love this stuff. And it's gaining traction every day. It seems like every time I take a peek at the snackfood aisle, something else is being drenched in dark chocolate.

Now these bullet-size almonds are not drenched in dark chocolate, but sprinkled. Ever so lightly sprinkled. A dusting if you will. I'm so gay. LOL. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)

Chomping through these little beauties you get the definite chocolate taste. It's not overwhelming the almond. A very good afternoon snack. Yummo. (Shout out to Rachel Ray!)