Friday, April 3, 2009

Little Debbie's 100-Calorie Chocolate Cake

J-Lam Says:

This little cake was moist, delicious, with no downside except the fact that it was over way too fast.  The only thing I would recommend to Little Debbie is to put out the 500 calorie version, so I know I ate something. 

But seriously, if you're watching your figure (like I am) or if you just need a quick bite to quell your sweet tooth without breaking your calorie bank, you can do a heck of a lot worse than these little cakes. 


B-Com says: 

What we have here is real, moist chocolate cake in nice, individually-wrapped packages, weighing in at just 100 calories!  Scrumptious.  Delicious.  

That's the good news. 

The bad news is, these little flavor bombs are sold in boxes of 8 or 10 cakes, which really means you're going to eat between 800 and 1000 calories before you're through.  This is the same trap I fell into with the Snackwell Devil's Food cookies.  They're hyped as lower-fat, and better-for-you, but they taste so darn good, you end up doing double the damage!  

To really do its job, for something to truly be good for you, it has to taste bad. 

Welcome back, rice cakes! 


Willy Wonka Golden Eggs

J-Lam Says:

As you are no doubt aware, the chocolate egg is an annual springtime tradition that goes back way too far for me to bother researching it.  I'm fairly certain when the first Pilgrim stepped off the Mayflower and tripped over Plymouth Rock, a chocolate egg got squished into his pants pocket. 

It's tough to get this traditional nugged of chocolately goodness wrong and Golden Eggs are no exception.  The chocolate flavor is solid, not horribly sweet, with no funky aftertaste.  And the Interesting addition of the tiny graham cracker bits is a welcome change to the standard formula. 

And, as is the case with nearly all chocolate egg-based products, the Golden Eggs have an addictive quality approximately equivilant to good heroin. 


 B-Com Says: 

You can really taste the Vanillin